Intuitive Sexuality
Articles By Sherrie Dillard

Intuition describes the way that we relate to energy and this includes sexual energy. Everyone has intuitive ability. It is as innate and common as your other five senses. Intuition is love’s most natural language, as they both spring from the depths of the soul. In your attraction to certain people, your awareness of the deep unspoken feelings of a partner and in your ability to know what to say to help and comfort those you love, your intuition is as work.

Becoming conscious of your natural intuition can add a vibrant dimension to sexuality. When your intuitive senses are awakened, you can listen and respond to your partner's nonverbal needs and desires while challenging yourself to open to new levels of intimacy and trust. Intuition is more that just accessing information, it is the gateway for soul connected oneness that transcends physical boundaries Intuitive awareness sensitizes you to respond to your partner’s whole being—mind, body and spirit. An intuitive connection with another infuses the relationship with excitement. It elevates love making and stimulates peak sexual experiences. 

Carl Jung, the famed psychologist, once said that everyone who came to see him with a "sexual" issue had in fact a "spiritual" issue and everyone who came to see him for a "spiritual" issue had a "sexual" issue. Sexuality and spirituality are highly charged, sensual energies that are forever intertwined. Sexual intimacy is an opportunity to experience heightened levels of connection with another and simultaneously, with the divine. Sex can give us an energetic boost into the experience of the higher realms. The experience of orgasm can be a peek into the world of pure energy and bliss. It is like a sudden magic carpet ride into the ethereal.

Your sexual attraction to another is not always predictable and logical. It may even seem to be a force that is difficult to control, and understand. To the ego-mind love-making is a sexual act where personality issues such as power, control and the need for approval and self gratification are satiated. Yet, intimacy is also an exchange that can launch you into your innermost soulful being. The boundaries between yourself and another slip away and you silently communicate with one another.

Use the following meditation to contemplate and redefine what sexuality may mean to you.

* Begin by contemplating the joyful union that exists in nature. Imagine that all of life is continuously participating in the joyous act of ecstasy. Perhaps leaves on a branch gently touching one another in the slight breeze feel blissful energy moving through them. Maybe the water in a cool river awaits the morning sunlight with tingling anticipation, or the deeply buried seeds of a mighty oak stir and move with ecstasy to the sound of overhead crows.

* Contemplate the thought that within the natural movement of all of life there is a sublime and continuous rapturous interchange. 

* Now imagine that this same rhythm that exists in all of nature exists within you and it is ready to come to life. Invite breath into your body, allow it to relax you. Clear your mind, your heart, and the tension in your body through gentle cleansing breaths.

* Imagine yourself as a hollow and open vessel for the experience of nature at its most sensitive level. Allow the vibration of absolute love to flow into you.

* Imagine your partner as a channel for this most generous and loving energy that desires to make its way to you. Love is like a warm ray of light, like the swell of an ocean wave rising and falling. Open yourself to the love of your partner and to the natural flow of the life force that accompanies your partner’s touch.

* Imagine that in sexual communion there are thousands of stimulated love cells that want to ride into your body. Invite them in. They have a gift for you. They long to wake and guide you into the heavenly environment of expansion and grace.

* Encourage the cosmic to dance within you. Feast on the invisible offerings of bliss. You are a love sponge; draw into yourself particles of the celestial spark. Delightful existence moves you and passes through you. Its gift to you is a timeless moment of joy. Let these radiant particles of absolute love energy move through you and extend this energy to your partner, share your riches freely. 

When you combine conscious intuitive awareness with sexuality, the veil of the physical drops and what is revealed is the ecstatic energy of love that all of life is participating in.
There can be no mistaking the force of love when we are engaged in passion. 

About Sherrie Dillard

Author of the bestselling Discover Your Psychic Type (Llewellyn Worldwide) and the recent release Love and Intuition (Llewellyn Worldwide) Sherrie Dillard has been a New Thought pastoral counselor, professional psychic, medium, and teacher for over twenty years. She has taught classes and workshops, both nationally and internationally, on the life-enhancing aspects of intuition development. This article is from Sherrie Dillard’s new book “Love and Intuition”. For more information about sexuality and intuition, visit her website - or 

Keywords: Intuitive Sexuality, sexual experiences, spiritual development, five senses, Sherrie Dillard, Intuition, Intuitive, Articles, UK, South Africa, Cape Town,

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Intuitive Sexuality

Intuitive Sexuality Articles By Sherrie Dillard from Awakening Intuition

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