James Redfield Quotes (39) Spiritual Sayings

About the Author: James Redfield (born March 19, 1950) is an American author, lecturer, screenwriter and film producer. He is notable for his novel The Celestine Prophecy (1993). The novel was filmed as The Celestine Prophecy, which made its U.S. theatrical (Celestine Films) and DVD (Sony Pictures) release in 2006. Redfield produced and co-wrote the screenplay (with Barnet Bain & Dan Gordon).

James and Salle Redfield are the founders of the Global Prayer Project, a bi-weekly telewebcast which offers guided prayer and meditation. Redfield's newest offering, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, was published by Grand Central Publishing in February 2011. See website for more info - http://www.celestinevision.com/


“We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions...this especially applies to what we used to call bad things...the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“...Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“I don't think that anything happens by coincidence... No one is here by accident... Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people are here means that they are here for some reason"...” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy: A Pocket Guide to the Nine Insights

“When love first happens, the individuals are giving each other energy unconsciously and both people feel buoyant and elated. That's the incredible high we call being ‘in love.’ Unfortunately, once they expect this feeling to come from another person, they cut themselves off from the energy in the universe and begin to rely even more on the energy from each other--only now there doesn’t seem to be enough and so they stop giving each other energy and fall back into their dramas in an attempt to control each other and force the other’s energy their way.”
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone, the natural tendency is to focus on something we dislike about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately, when we do this--instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the person and giving them energy--we take energy away and actually do them harm. All they know is that they suddenly feel less beautiful and less confident, and it is because we sapped their energy.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

“Inspiration is what keeps us well.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

“Sexual union is a holy moment in which a part of Heaven flows into the Earth.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“How many people do you know who are obsessed with their work, who are type A or have stress related diseases and who can’t slow down? They can’t slow down because they use their routine to distract themselves, to reduce life to only its practical considerations. And they do this to avoid recalling how uncertain they are about why they live.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“...The human perception of this energy first begins with a heightened sensitivity to beauty.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“The things that we preceive as beautiful may be different, but the actual characteristics we ascribe to beautiful objects are similar. Think about it. When something strikes us as beautiful, it displays more presence and sharpness of shape and vividness of color, doesn't it? It stands out. It shines. It seems almost iridescent compared to the dullness of other objects less attractive.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“...the basic stuff of the universe, at its core, is looking like a kind of pure energy that is malleable to human intention and expectation in a way that defies our old mechanistic model of the universe--as though our expectation itself causes our energy to flow out into the world and affect other energy systems.” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

“Once you learn what life is about, there is no way to erase that knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life, you will always sense that you are missing something” 
― James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy: A Pocket Guide to the Nine Insights

“The reality of the Life Review is becoming part of our every day understanding. We know that after death, we have to look at our lives again; and we’re going to agonize over every missed opportunity, over every case in which we failed to act. This knowledge is contributing to our determination to pursue every intuitive image that comes to mind, and keep it firmly in awareness. We’re living life in a more deliberate way. We don’t want to miss a single important event. We don’t want the pain of looking back later and realizing that we blew it, that we failed to make the right decisions.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

“Apparently, before we are born, each of us experiences a vision of what our life can be, complete with reflections on our parents and our tendencies to engage in particular control dramas, even how we might work through these dramas with these parents and go on to be prepared for what we want to accomplish.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

“Prayer of Application to the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit who solves all promblems, who lights all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who give me the divine giftto forgive and forget all evil against meand that in all instances of my life you are with me. I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that I never want to be separated from you, even and in spite of all matrial illusion. I want to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me and mine.

The person must say this prayer for three consecutive days. After three days the favor requested will be granted even if it may appear difficult. This prayer,including these instructions must be published immediately after the favor is granted without mentioning the favor; only your initials should appear at the bottom.
― James Redfield

“I could see clearly that this growing belligerence was an aberration, coming not from intention, but from the Fear.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

“I could see the two sides hardening, their feelings intensifying, as both began to think the other not just wrong, but hideous, venal... in league with the devil himself.” 
― James Redfield, The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision

Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing
― James Redfield

We can become inspired to shape a higher, more ideal future, and when we do, miracles happen.
― James Redfield

Each of us is the next step in evolution along the lineage created by our two parents. Our higher purpose on earth can be found by recognizing what our parents accomplished and where they left off. By reconciling what they gave us with what they left us to resolve, we can get a clear picture of who we are and what we are meant to do.
― James Redfield

Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question, then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us toward the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.
― James Redfield

By seeing the beauty in every face we lift others into their wisest self and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message. 
― James Redfield

We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships.
― James Redfield

If we knock on the door until it opens, not taking no for an answer, our lives will be transformed as we step up into a higher awareness.
― James Redfield

Prayer power is real. By putting it into action, we will be able to stay more constantly in higher awareness than ever before. If we can do that, the world will quickly change.
― James Redfield

Remember to stop as often as necessary to re-connect your energy. Stay full, stay in a state of love. Remember that once you achieve the state of love, nothing nor anyone can pull more energy from you that you can replace. In fact, the energy flowing out of you creates a current that pulls energy into you at the same rate. You can never run out. But you must stay conscious of this process in order for it to work. This is especially important when you interact with people.
― James Redfield

In other words we humans seek to outwit and control each other not just because of some tangible goal in the outside world that we're trying to achieve, but because of a lift we get psychologically. This is the reason we see so many irrational conflicts in the world both at the individual level and the level of nations.
― James Redfield

Once you learn what life is about, there is no way to erase the knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life you will always sense that you are missing something.
― James Redfield

Life is really about a spiritual unfolding that is personal and enchanting—an unfolding that no science or philosophy or religion has yet fully clarified.
― James Redfield

The awareness begins with a feeling of restlessness—an inner urging to find more meaning in life. As we respond to this inner prompting we begin to notice the “chance coincidences”—strange synchronistic events in our life. We begin to realize that some underlying process is operating our life.
― James Redfield

When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone, the natural tendency is to focus on something we dislike about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately, when we do this--instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the person and giving them energy--we take energy away and actually do them harm. All they know is that they suddenly feel less beautiful and less confident, and it is because we sapped their energy.
― James Redfield

The human perception of this energy first begins with a heightened sensitivity to beauty.
― James Redfield

Apparently, before we are born, each of us experiences a vision of what our life can be, complete with reflections on our parents and our tendencies to engage in particular control dramas, even how we might work through these dramas with these parents and go on to be prepared for what we want to accomplish.
― James Redfield

We know that after death, we have to look at our lives again; and we’re going to agonize over every missed opportunity, over every case in which we failed to act. 
― James Redfield

We must assume every event has significance and contains a message that pertains to our questions...this especially applies to what we used to call bad things...the challenge is to find the silver lining in every event, no matter how negative.
― James Redfield

We humans have always sought to increase our personal energy in the only manner we have known, by seeking to psychologically steal it from the others--an unconscious competition that underlies all human conflict in the world.
― James Redfield

Once you learn what life is about, there is no way to erase the knowledge. If you try to do something else with your life you will always sense that you are missing something.
― James Redfield

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​James Redfield Quotes - (39) - Awakening Spiritual Quotations
​Keywords: James Redfield Quotes, Quotations, Sayings, Inspirational, Intuition, Wisdom, Motivational, Life, Journey, Awakening, Spiritual, affirmations, UK, South Africa,

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